FREE Management Training

70% of the variance in employee engagement is determined solely by the manager. Give them the tools to perform at their best, and improve employee engagement in the process. When employee engagement is high, the business succeeds.


Free Training

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Watch the FREE Training and Learn:

The Audience

Top human resources challenges for businesses.

The Audience

What factors make high performing teams different from their competitors.

The Audience

A scalable system for improving employee development and performance.

The Audience

Why manager leadership development improves employee engagement

The Audience

The critical difference that separates Unicorn Leaders from just any manager.

Want to Take Your Team to the Next Level?
Let's Present You our Unique Leadership Program.

A World of Opportunities

Invest in Your Managers. Change The Trajectory of Your Business.

Here’s a summary of everything included in the enterprise package:

Members gain lifetime access to 12-weeks of online learning modules and alumni community of managers.

x12 group coaching calls with Fahd Alhattab who will keep managers accountable to their goals.

+50 downloadable worksheets, templates, management frameworks, and team activities

Team Dynamics Assessment and Leadership 360 Assessments that track a manager's individual leadership transformation.

DISC Workplace Behaviour Assessment that enable managers to leverage and adapt their personality to the situation and personalities on their team.

“Hugely impressed and very satisfied with everything
we’ve got from Unicorn Labs!”

Craig Handy

Head of Evolution, Shopify

Program Overview

How does our Unicorn Leadership Development Program work?

Unicorn Leadership Training is a 12-week leadership development program that trains new managers or provide “refresher” training for existing managers on building like emotional intelligence, teaming, adaptability.

Managers will be entered into the program as a cohort. They’ll complete assessments to determine their current leadership score and health of their team. They’ll watch the training, compete action items, and attend group coaching calls with their peers.

Finally, they’ll retake the assessments to quantify their growth.

The Audience

The Audience


Course Length

Course Length

12 Weeks 

The Goal

The Goal

Become a Coach

Course Format

Course Format

Online Group Coaching

Benefits of Management Training

Only a shocking 15% of today’s workforce is engaged. Your organization can beat the odds if they invest in their managers.
The Audience

Upskill your managers, level-up your culture.

Bring your team together with a new set of standards.

The Audience

Coach your employees, retain top talent.

Improve loyalty and train the next generation of leaders.

The Audience

Improve well-being, increase productivity.

Thriving businesses need thriving employees.

“I think UnicornLabs is one of the best leadership
development programs I have ever taken!”


Senior Vice President, StellarAlgo


Unicorn Leadership Development Program Will Change Your Life!

Listen to the stories of our happy clients. As a part of the program, you will also get access to our course community where you can receive 24hr support from a member of our team or get your leadership questions answered by a peer.

Trusted By The Best Teams:

A World of Opportunities

Get to Know Your Leadership Trainer

Led by CEO & Leadership Expert, Fahd Alhattab, the Unicorn Leadership Training Program trains managers how to become coaches capable of managing conflict and building a highly engaged team culture.

With our training program, you will be able to cultivate an engaged team culture in which employees feel valued and appreciated. This will lead to increased productivity and better overall results for your business.

Sign up for our free trial today and learn more about the Unicorn Leadership Training Program!


What we cover each week in the program.

Intensive leadership development training with clear goals and action items to keep managers accountable.

A full overview of the program and education on the leadership development program taught in the course.


  • 1.1 The Future of Leadership: What has changed over the past 30 years?
  • 1.2 Unicorn Leadership Philosophy: The high-level mindset shifts required to excel as a leader.
  • 1.3 The Six Levels of High Performing Teams: Why building a high-performing team should be a manager's single focus.

Week 1: Fundamentals

Improve team dynamics, engagement, and work performance by instilling a team culture of psychological safety.


  • 2.1 Psychological Safety: Concept overview and case study.
  • 2.2 Creating a Sense of Belonging: Learn how to create connections among team members.
  • 2.3 Vulnerable Leadership: Build a culture where employees aren’t afraid to take risks.
  • 2.4. Understanding Through Lines: Learn and understand DISC, emotional intelligence, and learning culture.
  • 2.5 DISC: Recognize that leadership is understanding each person on your team and their needs.

Week 2: Create Psychological Safety

Make small behavioural shifts to improve manager-employee and employee-employee relationships on the team.


  • 3.1 Primal Leadership: Learn about the power of emotional intelligence. 
  • 3.2 Emotional Intelligence (EQ): Overview of the components of EQ. 
  • 3.3 Personal Emotional Competencies: Improve your self-management and self-awareness. 
  • 3.4 Social-Emotional Competencies: Learn strategies to enhance your social awareness and create improved interactions with your team. 
  • 3.5 Five-Steps to Improving Your Emotional Intelligence
  • 3.6 How to Read the Results of Your Emotional Intelligence Test

Week 3: Develop Emotional Intelligence

Empower decision-making by selecting the right people for the right roles on the team.


  • 4.1 Empowerment: Concept overview and case study.  
  • 4.2 The Difference Between Management and Leadership 
  • 4.3 Structure and Role Clarity: Show individuals how their contributions advance the team and organization’s goals. 
  • 4.4 Decision-Making: Remove friction from decision-making. 
  • 4.5 Learning the Art of Delegation: Understand why effective delegation leads to greater empowerment. 
  • 4.6 Effective Listening: Learn tactics to improve your listening skills. 
  • 4.7 Project Planning: Master the creation of project road maps.
  • 4.8 Goal Setting: Explore more effective goal setting methods such as establishing better priorities with OKRs.

Week 4: Empower Your Team Through Role Structure and Clarity

Improve communication channels and processes within the team.


  • 5.1 Effective Communication Overview: Understand the elements of better communication tactics.  
  • 5.2 Team Coordination and Free Flow of Information: Learn better techniques and strategies to improve team communication. 
  • 5.3 Becoming a Strong Facilitator for Productive Meetings: Facilitate meetings that give your teammates an effective and mission-driven voice.
  • 5.4 Influencing and Persuading: Master the art of storytelling and effective use of language.

Week 5: Uncover How to Effectively Communicate

Embrace open communication and productive conflict so everyone feels heard.


  • 6.1 Embracing Productive Conflict Leads to Effective Communication
  • 6.2 Conflict Styles: Understand how individual personalities affect how people approach conflict.
  • 6.3 How to Give Effective on-Going Feedback: Create a feedback culture where teammates are excited and look forward to peer inputs.
  • 6.4 Conflict Management: Recognize that conflict will allow you to reach more innovative solutions.
  • 6.5 Create Commitment Through the Rumble: Use productive conflict to foster stronger team commitment.

Week 6: Embrace Productive Conflict and Feedback

Empower all team members to act as leaders and hold each other accountable.


  • 7.1 Culture of Leadership: Concept overview and case study. 
  • 7.2 Leadership Styles: Identify and discuss the six styles of leadership. 
  • 7.3 Fluid Leadership Styles: Discover how to be fluid across different leadership styles.  
  • 7.4 Transformational Versus Transactional Leadership: Learn to focus on long-term results instead of the immediate situation. 
  • 7.5 Team Leadership: Create peer-to-peer accountability. 
  • 7.6 How to Use and Read Your 360-Degree Leadership Assessment

Week 7: Build a Culture of Leadership

Invest in the personal development of team members with coaching.


  • 8.1 The Coach Approach: Concept overview and the impact of coaching. 
  • 8.2 Creating Peer to Peer Accountability: Create constant short bursts of feedback.
  • 8.3 Employee Performance: Learn new approaches for engaging your team members in the workplace.
  • 8.4 The Art of the One-on-One: Maximize individual coaching opportunities.

Week 8: Become a Coach, Develop Your Team

Train team members to understand how their individual contributions lead to the success of the business. 


  • 9.1 Creating a Learning Culture: Master how to unlock and accelerate employee development.
  • 9.2 Impact and Contribution: Learn tactics for connecting team members to company goals.
  • 9.3 Investing in Team Recognition: Incentivize and recognize high performance.
  • 9.4 Value Alignment: Align personal values with team values.

Week 9: Create a Sense of Purpose, Impact, and Contribution

Harness the power of culture to create change and introduce a new vision for the team.


  • 10.1 All-Encompassing Vision: Create a vision and align the team. 
  • 10.2 Create a High Purpose Environment  
  • 10.3 Removing Ego Leadership: Create space for humility and stop letting your ego get in the way of enhancing your leadership capacities. 
  • 10.4 Creating Strategic Plans: Understand the power of strategic alignment across your teams.

Week 10: Create a Culture and an All-Encompassing Vision

Understand how to hire high performance and to move through the stages of team building productively.

  • 11.1 Embrace Continuous Change through the Team Building Cycle: Improve individual and team adaptability. 
  • 11.2 Team Composition: Learn better hiring practices and how to pick the right people for the right roles to create a high-performing team. 
  • 11.3 Employer Brand:  Establish your role, as the manager, in attracting top talent, from on-boarding to exit interviews. 
  • 11.4 Letting People Go: Discover the right way to let someone go and ensure you maintain a healthy team. 
  • 11.5 Retain High Performing Talent: Fight to protect your high-performance unit.

Week 11: Team Building Cycle and Team Composition

Understand management's role in the success of the organization.

  • 12.1 Unicorn Leadership: Concept and framework overview. 
  • 12.2 Leadership Pitfalls: Become aware of common leadership traps that even the best fall victim to.
  • 12.3 Mental Models: Realize that mental models and perspective shifts are the most powerful tool in your leadership journey.
  • 12.4 The Values of a Unicorn Leader: Bring it all together with a Unicorn Leader that will 10x team performance.
  • 12.5 What Now? 

Week 12: The Unicorn Leader